The Privacy Platform
for web3

Coming to a chain near you

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Empowering users to choose privacy

We’re putting back the power of choice into the hands of users. Whether you want to keep your information public or private, that should be your choice — on any chain.

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Borderless, decentralized, and built for everyone

Privacy should be a right. Iron Fish’s simplicity gives everyone that right. Confidentiality shouldn’t be reserved for the powerful or technically gifted. Anyone can create a wallet and run their own node — try it here:

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Regulatory compliance,
built in

Privacy and compliance don’t have to be at odds. Every Iron Fish account comes with a set of view keys allowing an exchange or financial organization to provide a full audit of the accounts they manage and comply with all their AML obligations.

Read Our Whitepaper

World-class builders and backers

Our team members have decades of experience building some of the world’s most beloved products at Airbnb, Facebook, Google, Uber, and more. Our angels include founders across the crypto space (L1s, bridges, custody). And our investors have a track record of partnering early with the world’s most transformational technologies.

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