Iron Fish Installation

Recommended Installation

  1. Install Node.js 18 (on Windows, choose 64-bit/x64).

Note: On Mac and Linux, You can also install Node.js through nvm.

  1. Next, run the following:
npm install -g ironfish

You're all set! Run the Iron Fish CLI:

Restart the animation
ironfish CLI for running and interacting with an Iron Fish node VERSION ironfish/0.1.62 darwin-arm64 node-v18.12.1 USAGE $ ironfish [COMMAND] TOPICS blocks Show the block header of a requested hash or sequence chain Manage the blockchain config Print out the entire config migrations List all the migration statuses miners Manage an Iron Fish miner peers List all connected peers rpc Show the status of the RPC layer wallet List all the accounts on the node workers Show the status of the worker pool COMMANDS config Print out the entire config faucet Receive coins from the Iron Fish official Faucet fees Get fee distribution for most recent blocks help Display help for ironfish. logs Tail server logs migrations List all the migration statuses peers List all connected peers repl An interactive terminal to the node reset Reset the node to its initial state start Start the node status Show the status of the node stop Stop the node from running testnet Set up your node to mine for the testnet

When new Iron Fish versions are released, you can update through NPM:

npm install -g ironfish

Iron Fish is now ready to use. Follow the next step of the tutorial or jump directly to the CLI commands list.

Alternative Installation Methods

You can also get started with Iron Fish by using Docker or running from source. If you are using an Intel-based macOS system, we support Homebrew as an alternative installation method.