ironfish wallet
List all the accounts on the node
$ ironfish wallet:COMMAND
wallet:transaction Display an account transaction
wallet:accounts List all the accounts on the node
wallet:address Display your account address
wallet:assets Display the wallet's assets
wallet:balance Display the account balance
wallet:balances Display the account's balances for all assets
wallet:burn Burn tokens and decrease supply for a given asset
wallet:create Create a new account for sending and receiving coins
wallet:delete Permanently delete an account
wallet:export Export an account
wallet:import Import an account
wallet:mint Mint tokens and increase supply for a given asset
wallet:notes Display the account notes
wallet:post Post a raw transaction
wallet:prune Removes expired transactions from the wallet
wallet:repair Repair wallet database stores
wallet:rescan Rescan the blockchain for transaction
wallet:send Send coins to another account
wallet:status Get status of an account
wallet:transaction Display an account transaction
wallet:transactions Display the account transactions
wallet:use Change the default account used by all commands
wallet:which Show the account currently used.
ironfish wallet:createMyNewAccount
Creating account MyNewAccount
Account MyNewAccount created with public address
Run "ironfish wallet:use MyNewAccount" to set the account as default
ironfish wallet:import {<exported account or spending key>}
To import an account interactively:
ironfish wallet:import
ironfish wallet:import9cfaf518a343aa5cb6d7ee704f7b0b29fac85ff96912ea7302a3e2a4ae52cff5wallet
Account wallet imported.
Run "ironfish wallet:use wallet" to set the account as default
Enter the details requested by the prompts as shown above.
ironfish wallet:mintyMyNewAsset-100.00000001
You are about to mint Name: MyNewAsset
10.00000000 plus a transaction fee of $IRON 0.00000001 with the account MyNewAccount
* This action is NOT reversible *
YCreating the transaction:
Minted asset MyNewAsset from MyNewAccount
Asset Identifier: 9d10d3fe1b86a5
Value: 10.00000000
Transaction Hash: e032e78268a1097288503e18510e48d140292ff5ce91d0914ae00f733ad8d166
Find the transaction on
ironfish wallet:burnMyNewAsset100.00000001
You are about to burn: 9d10d3fe1b86a5
10.00000000 plus a transaction fee of $IRON 0.00000001 with the account MyNewAccount
* This action is NOT reversible *
YCreating the transaction:
Burned asset 9d10d3fe1b86a5 from MyNewAccount
Value: 10.00000000
Transaction Hash: e032e78268a1097288503e18510e48d140292ff5ce91d0914ae00f733ad8d166
Find the transaction on
ironfish wallet:send200.00000001ab518b8c908d7157eaebdf8159c5813894074d3136826daba4a485598de1b86a597af2821f8400bbfe70c1
You are about to send:
$IRON 20 to ab518b8c908d7157eaebdf8159c5813894074d3136826daba4a485598de1b86a597af2821f8400bbfe70c1 from the account IronFishGenesisAccount
YCreating the transaction:
Sending 20 to ab518b8c908d7157eaebdf8159c5813894074d3136826daba4a485598de1b86a597af2821f8400bbfe70c1 from MyNewAccount
Transaction Hash: e032e78268a1097288503e18510e48d140292ff5ce91d0914ae00f733ad8d166
Transaction Fee: 0.00000001
Find the transaction on